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GY-801 IMU 10DOF L3G4200D ADXL345 HMC5883L BMP180 module

Рейтинг: 5.0/7
39.17 AZN
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  • Наличие: 2
  • Единица: шт.
  • Теги: Drone
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This IMU 1 dof sensor 3-axis l3g4200d, 3-axis ADXL345 tilt sensor, HMC5883L 3 dof magnetometer and BMP180 pressure sensor single chipset

The L3G4200D is a low-power 3-axis angular velocity sensor that can provide unprecedented stability of zero speed level and precision against temperature and time. It contains a sensing element and an IC interface that can provide the measured angular velocity to the outside world through a digital interface (I2C / SPI).

The ADXL345 is a small, slim, low power, 3-axis accelerometer with high resolution (13 bit) measurements of up to 16g. ADXL345 is well suited for mobile device applications. It measures the static acceleration of gravity and dynamic acceleration caused by motion or shock in tilt sensing applications. Its high resolution (4mg / LSB) ensures resolution of tilt changes up to 0.25 °. Honeywell HMC5883L is designed for low-field magnetic sensing with a digital interface for applications such as low cost compassing and magnetometry

HMC5883L includes high resolution hmc118x series magneto-resistive sensors as well as an ASIC with amplification, automatic degaussing belt drivers, offset cancellation and 12-bit ADC that provides 1 ° to 2 ° Compass Head accuracy.

The BMP180 is the function-compatible successor to the bmp085, the next generation of high precision digital pressure sensors for consumer applications. The Bmp180's ultra-low power, low voltage electronics are optimized for use in cell phones, PDAs, GPS navigation devices, and outdoor equipment.

Nine-axis module (three-axis gyroscope + three-axis acceleration +3 axis magnetic field + pressure)

Model: GY-801
Using the chip:L3G4200D + ADXL345 + HMC5883L + BMP180
Power supply: 3-5v
Communication: IIC communication protocol (fully compatible with 3-5v system)
Module size: 25.8mm * 16.8mm, mounting hole 3mm
Using Shenjin PCB process
Standard 2.54mm pin connector for easy breadboard with perforated plate for experimental connection
The default pin, straight needle, curved needle, not welding.

Three selectable full scales (250/500 / 2000dps)
Factor in all G ranges, up to 13-bit resolution at ± 16g
5 milli-gauss Resolution ± 8 Gauss fields in use with 12-Bit ADC low noise ARM sensors
Pressure range: 300 to 1100hpa (+ 9000m to -500m above sea level)
I2C interfaces
Power supply: 3-5V
Gaming and virtual reality input devices
Vibration Monitoring
GPS navigation systems
Household appliances and robotics
Weather forecast

Добавил: elektronwik1, Вт, 2021-03-23

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